From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Creating a working view

Creating a working view

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to revisit the topic of working views and I want to do this in preparation to getting our file ready for documentation. So in the videos that follow, we're going to be adding dimensions and symbols and we're going to be documenting our project and I want to do that in views like the one that you see here onscreen. This is our main architectural floor plan. But right now this floor plan is showing some information that I really don't want to see in those documentation views. Now, assuming that you don't want to permanently eliminate some of the items that I'm going to share with you, then what you want to do is maintain a working view as well. Now, all a working view is, is another view of the model that you use to get your work done. So it is like a private view that you use for the day-to-day editing of the model that you don't share with outside recipients, and that's really all we…
