From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Creating a key schedule

Creating a key schedule

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to discuss some techniques for data input in schedules. And I'm specifically going to focus on a tool called a key schedule. Now, key schedule is a great tool to help you speed up the input of lots of similar data, and it allows us to do so not only more quickly, but with a great deal of consistency. So let me start off by framing the problem here. I've got this room finish schedule. If I scroll down to the bottom here, you could see the grand total at the bottom is 153. So this project contains 153 rooms, and I have a total of four finishes that I want to fill in for each room, floor, base, wall, and ceiling. Therefore, that's going to be a lot of data input. So for example, if the entry was using hardwood floor and I put that in, and then maybe this living room is using carpet, and I put that in, and the kitchen is using ceramic tile, right? Do you see how I would have to…
