From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture

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Aligning views with a guide grid

Aligning views with a guide grid

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to talk about the guide grid feature. Now, the guide grid feature is designed for one purpose. It allows you to line up view ports on one sheet with the similar view ports on another sheet. So a really common example of when you might want to use this is for floor plans where you have multiple floor plan sheets and you want the floor plans on each sheet to be in the same relative position relative to the title block, right? So guide grid can help you do that. I've got this blank sheet here called Reflected Ceiling Plans, and the first thing I need to do is put some views on it. So I'm going to scroll down here to the ceiling plans branch, and it turns out you can actually drag and drop more than one view at the same time. So I'm going to use my control key and select both L one and L two ceiling plans, drag and drop, and then you'll see it places them kind of side by side, and you just…
