From the course: Returning to Work with a Resume Gap

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Interview with confidence

Interview with confidence

- The mistakes career returners make in an interview are so common. So ubiquitous, I can pretty much predict how they'll play out for you. You'll minimize what you've done during your career break by saying things like, it was just a part-time job or I just helped my husband with the books. Just! is the ultimate four-letter word for a career returner, or you'll feel an express excessive gratitude for the interview. Or offer multiple apologies after a minor mistake. Gratitude and apology are the badge of the career returner. Or you'll walk out the door at the end of the interview, having no idea where you stand and how, or if you'll move forward. Today, you're going to erase the word "just" from your vocabulary. From now on you're going to offer only two thank-yous per interview. One at the beginning and one at the end. And only one, I'm sorry, reserved only for a real mistake, like being late or knocking something off…
