From the course: Python: Working with Files

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Continue to analyze data with Python

Continue to analyze data with Python - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Working with Files

Continue to analyze data with Python

- [Instructor] Congrats on finishing the course. Now you know how to use Python to automate many different file operations and work with several files at a time. As a part of this course, we discovered how to read, write, and append to files of different types. We also looked at how to walk through the file system programmatically, iterating through files, directories, and subdirectories. This allowed us to easily rename, move, and manipulate multiple files at a time. We also explored how to save data from a program in text and CSV formats, allowing us to store data created from a Python program. To continue your learning with Python, I recommend checking out my Learning the Python Standard Library course to get more familiar with what's built into the Python language. The Python Data Analysis course will also help you get more familiar with pandas, NumPy, and other technologies that let you analyze data from external…
