From the course: Python: Working with Files

Automate file tasks with Python - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Working with Files

Automate file tasks with Python

- [Kathryn] Reading, editing and moving files manually can be great if you're working with a single file at a time. But what if you want to make changes to multiple files? That's where we want some automation. No one wants to rename a thousand files manually. In this course, we'll look at how to automate many different file operations with Python 3. Python provides built-in functionality for creating, reading, and writing to files programmatically. These operations can be useful for aggregating data across multiple sources, as well as saving out programmatic results to files. We'll also look at how to use the built-in functionality from the Python standard library and leverage other external libraries for manipulating CSV and PDF files. My name is Kathryn and I'm a software engineer. In addition to learning more about Python, I'll show you how the file system works under the hood. So you can build your programs more efficiently. Okay, ready? Let's get started.
