From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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The ROI of you

The ROI of you

- I found that many CEOs either undervalue themselves or don't consider it at all. But each executive or business owner needs to see themselves as an investment in the company. It's because they're in charge of key processes, hold special business or industry knowledge, or maintain key relationships and images. I have a set of unofficial work titles that can help people realize just how important they are to the organization. Do a quick self-evaluation. Do any of these feel familiar? Chief Rainmaker, does the sale stream flow through you? Chief Firefighter, are you the one dealing with those pesky, regularly occurring problems, and impromptu needs? Head of State, are you the face of the business? Does the reputation of the brand drive through you? The Genius, did the products, services, and proprietary work come from your brain? The Innovator, are you the source for all reinvention of new products, services, and direction? If any of these key, unofficial roles resonate with you, you…
