From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Solution: Recovering

Solution: Recovering

(swooshing) (gently chiming bells) - Welcome back from the challenge. How did you do? How did your business continuity plan work when you put it to the test? Do you even have one? You may have had to stop right there, but that's okay, the rest of this video will be helpful for those with business continuity plans at any stage. Any plan will have five general steps. Step one is triage, assessing how bad the situation really is for operations and revenue. Step two is determining who can help you immediately. Step three is determining what to do with all your employees right now and for the near future. Step four is all about communications. And step five is taking action. Did you take all of these steps? Did you skip any? Missing even just one can dramatically increase the cost of the crisis. Now, these are general. Let's get more specific. You were asked in the challenge video to write down answers to questions. Here's how I would go about it. What is your recovery time objective?…
