From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Pre-planning business continuity

Pre-planning business continuity

- If you're like me, somewhere in your house you have a junk drawer. It's the place you throw stuff that you know you're going to need at some point and have no other place to put it. Eventually important items like spare batteries and small hand tools get mixed in and hidden by those inkless pens, obsolete grocery lists , and 19 year old receipts. In the end the junk drawer is a terrible repository for important items. You don't know what's in there, or how to locate it quickly. If a company allows it's critical knowledge to be stored that way, then what might have been just a small calamity could turn into a costly crisis. That's why the concept of pre-planning your business continuity is so important. In this video we'll talk about three things. Defining critical knowledge, defining business continuity, and practicing the plan. What is critical knowledge? Well think about your home. What do you consider critical knowledge in the event of a crisis? In my house it's things like…
