From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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- Congratulations. You've put in the time to learn how to be successful in creating and implementing a robust risk management program for your business. Now it's time to discuss next steps. During this course you learned how to identify exposures, analyze their potential impact on the organization, create loss control and financing options and create a better culture and brand to boost business growth and wealth for the company. Like we discussed many times throughout the course, plans rarely fail at the strategy part. They fail due to lack of implementation and accountability. Here are my recommendations for what to do next. First, create a small team that will be responsible for helping you to implement. Share this course with them and arm them with the knowledge and skills to quickly get started. Second, find experts to help you in areas you don't have internal expertise. Areas might include insurance, IT, human resources, loss control, legal and accounting. Third, set timelines…
