From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Intellectual property and business intelligence

Intellectual property and business intelligence

From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

Intellectual property and business intelligence

- In today's digital world, the intrinsic value of your business smarts may be more valuable than any other asset you possess. When I was a kid growing up in the 1970s, it seemed like a company's value was based on how tall their buildings were, how many locations they had, and the wealth of property they owned. 40 years later, the value of a company, including small and medium-size enterprises, lay squarely on the business intelligence it has formed. First, let's define intellectual property. The simple answer is that it's your business smarts. What products and services have you created? What systems and processes are unique to you? Grateful Dead icon Jerry Garcia once said it was one thing to be the best, it was another to be the only one. What does your organization do where you are the only one? So much of these smarts are kept in the digital brain. That means the Cloud or any number of technologies you have. Bottom line, the loss or theft of your business intelligence would be…
