From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Implementation and monitoring

Implementation and monitoring

- Plans rarely fail at the planning stage. They most often fail at implementation. This may be the greatest waste of business investment, when time and resources have been invested in strategy and planning and left to die an expensive death in dusty binders in someone's office shelf. That's a failed investment. Now I've been as guilty as anyone. I have attended countless conferences where I gain new knowledge. I write detailed notes with big plans of making great strides. I wished I had a thousand dollars for every piece of paper that went either unused or even slightly used. I'm guessing that's the minimum of what I left on the table. Planning around risk management is no different. Getting buy-in from management on implementing strategies on risk management might sound like nails on a chalkboard. Why? Because initiatives like this have started before with great vigor only to die that expensive death, because there was no accountability or momentum. There are three critical elements…
