From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Identifying exposures

Identifying exposures

- The most important step in managing and controlling the risk to your business and your employees is fortunately the easiest to accomplish. Unfortunately, it also seems to be the hardest to get started. You've heard the phrase ignorance is bliss. While that may be true for some things in life, when it comes to protecting your property, people, and profits, it can prove to be fatal to your business. It's no different than your health. If you wanna live a healthy vibrant life, you start by identifying the parts of you that are exposed to peril. First is your outer body, your skin, hair, and eyes. These are all body parts externally exposed to injury. Second is your inner body, your cardiovascular system, nervous system, and digestive tract. Third is your mental acuity. Brain function is critical to the operation of your body and is daily exposed to harm. Finally is your emotional health. How do you deal with stimuli around you? To lead a healthy life, you start by identifying what's…
