From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Forming a crisis team

Forming a crisis team

- There are countless teams and committees created in organizations. I rarely see the one team that might be the most important to the survival of a company. That's the crisis team. This is a team that nobody wants to see in action, yet needs to be assembled, trained, and ready to jump in to that action when a crisis does occur. Too often I see the job of a crisis team delegated to one lonely person. That person then has an immense job of dealing with a significant issue without training. And then everyone wonders why things went so poorly. In this video, I'm going to share with you the reason for forming a team, who should serve on this team, and how to optimize talent and impact in any adverse situation. So why form a team? While this question seems as obvious as a ham sandwich, turning it into reality for many businesses is not so obvious. The number one reason for forming a crisis team is to have a group of smart people, ready to collaborate and help the company deal with a crisis…
