From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Challenge: Apply your crisis recovery plan

Challenge: Apply your crisis recovery plan

- Now it's time to put your newfound knowledge to its own pressure test. In this challenge video I'm going to give you your own crisis. Your mission is to take what you've learned from this course and answer the following questions. What is your recovery time objective? In other words, when will you ideally be back to full operations? What are the top three things, in priority order, that must occur first? List as many things as possible that would accelerate your recovery. How will you know when recovery is taking place? Be specific. As a debrief, what could you and your team improve to have made the recovery time faster or better? In the solution video I'll go through some sample response to these questions. But for now, it's your turn. Gather your people together and work on it as a team. Write down your answers and bring them to the next video. Here's a scenario. You arrive at your office to find that a water pipe for one of the toilets burst. It has been gushing all night. Every…
