From the course: Protecting Profitability by Reducing Financial Risk

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Boxing vs. brawling

Boxing vs. brawling

- As a kid, I remember watching Muhammad Ali in the latter years of his boxing career. Even in his 30s, this guy was smooth. He'd endure a 15-round fight and look as good in the end as he did in the first round. Now, Rocky Balboa came out of each of his theatrical fights looking like a Mack truck had hit him. He may have survived, and even won the fight, but he was far worse for it. The recovery process for the real-life fighters like him is long, arduous, and painful. Rocky was a brawler, a street fighter. Ali was a boxer. Brawlers get hurt and damaged. Boxers avoid blows, counter-punch, and are prepared for the next battle they know is coming. Business owners striving to be the greatest must be like Ali. Business is a constant battle. However, if it's approached like a street fight, it gets battered and bruised. Let's go three rounds on how you can come out of any crisis largely unscathed. Round one is acknowledging you're going to be climbing into the ring daily, and someone might…
