From the course: Product Marketing Foundations

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Product management vs. product marketing

Product management vs. product marketing

From the course: Product Marketing Foundations

Product management vs. product marketing

- I'm sure by now you can see how closely product marketers work with the product team. Product marketers use their knowledge of the customer to help shape the product and then use their knowledge of the product to secure more customers. But there can sometimes be confusion about who is responsible for what in the product cycle. Product managers create and define products and features. They work with developers, designers, and engineers to build a product that is valuable to the market. Product managers should define customer needs, translate these needs into features, and conduct research into competitor products. So you might be saying, wait a minute, aren't product marketers also responsible for understanding the customer needs and researching the competition? Well, the answer is yes, but unlike product managers, product marketers may not have the technical expertise of the project. And product marketers are also…
