From the course: Product Marketing: Competitive Intelligence

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Gathering competitive intelligence: Common challenges

Gathering competitive intelligence: Common challenges

From the course: Product Marketing: Competitive Intelligence

Gathering competitive intelligence: Common challenges

- [Instructor] Gathering competitive intelligence, common challenges. For all of the benefits CI can bring to you and your company, it's certainly not a straightforward process to implement, and it can sometimes be challenging to get the information you want. It's difficult to keep every single piece of intel up to date. Some companies describe their services inaccurately and misrepresent their solutions. We have to handle a large volume of information and try to make sense of what matters. These are just some of the daily challenges businesses face, but it doesn't have to be that way. We've gathered some advice from industry experts who felt the pains of gathering and analyzing competitive intelligence and we'll share their insights with you now. The first common problem with CI is the timeliness of data. For many, it's difficult to keep data fresh, information is often collected manually, which is time consuming…
