From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Your role in creating a culture of respect and inclusion

Your role in creating a culture of respect and inclusion

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Your role in creating a culture of respect and inclusion

- I know everyone says culture comes from the top. To be honest, I don't like that phrase because it insinuates that everyone else is passive in the creation of culture. Or you might be thinking once the leaders do X, Y, and Z, then all start doing A, B, and C. I get it, but then nobody is pushing forward a positive and respectful work environment. Culture exists in the nuanced everyday interactions we have with the people we work with. And so, you can play a significant role in building a culture of respect by demonstrating respectful behavior yourself, fostering inclusivity, and actively participating in initiatives that promote a respectful workplace. Here are a few examples. Start with being the change you want to see. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. That means being self-aware and curious, engaging in effective listening, and showing people you value them for who they are. Respect personal boundaries and privacy. Don't relay information shared with you in confidence…
