From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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The manager's role in preventing harassment

The manager's role in preventing harassment

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

The manager's role in preventing harassment

- If you're a manager or supervisor and have been through harassment prevention training, your training probably included practical examples of harassment, information about your obligations to report and to whom, and a lot of discussion about confidentiality. This is important information and a good place to start in terms of your role as a manager in the context of workplace bullying and harassment. Now, let's dive deeper into the manager's role in preventing harassment to occur. Creating a team culture of psychological safety and proactively creating a positive environment that minimizes the risk of ugly behaviors. Let's start with the things you might be doing or not doing that can unintentionally allow bad behavior to occur. Consider, for example, whether you step in to mediate conflict between your employees, address incivility or microaggressions, provide ongoing feedback about job performance and behavior, and do your best to ensure work-life balance. These leadership actions…
