From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Social media, social events, and dating

Social media, social events, and dating

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Social media, social events, and dating

- An employer was celebrating an anniversary and serving different lunch options all week. On Taco Tuesday, someone posted an offensive cartoon stereotyping certain cultures. Of course, many employees are friends on social media, and someone who saw the post was offended and went to HR. Now there was gossip, people taking sides, and an organization lost on what to do next. Should the person who did the posting be disciplined? Should HR control what people post on their personal social media accounts? These days, companies are also asking, "Can we prohibit dating? What if employees become good friends and one crosses the line? Is that harassment that the company is liable for?" The answers lay in the total picture, so always bring any real situation you may face to your attorney. Note that I am not one, but I can share some thoughts related to culture. Most employers have a social media policy where you can remind employees to be respectful online, but policing that gets complicated…
