From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Respect and inclusivity are the keys to harassment prevention

Respect and inclusivity are the keys to harassment prevention

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Respect and inclusivity are the keys to harassment prevention

- I hope I got you thinking about harassment differently. It's a human issue, not a compliance issue, and that means prevention measures have to be about empathy, bystanders, culture, inclusion, and speaking up when incivility and microaggressions occur. For additional information on harassment, bullying, and positive work environments, check out my other courses in the library. Also connect with me on LinkedIn because there's tons of resources there too. Or visit my website at for a bunch of free downloadable assessments, videos, and checklists. I also speak at conferences regularly. So I hope you'll come up to say hi if you happen to be in the audience. Thanks so much for spending some time with me to learn about harassment prevention. Together we can continue to push harassment-free, respectful, and inclusive workplaces forward.
