From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Making your harassment prevention training more powerful

Making your harassment prevention training more powerful

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Making your harassment prevention training more powerful

- It's quite possible your organization is already offering harassment prevention training. But don't skip to the next video just yet. Let's talk about ways to make your training even better. I suspect that if you're offering harassment prevention training, it focuses on definitions according to the law, the corporate policy, and the employer's responsibility for resolution. It may even encourage bystanders to speak up or provide tips for managers to effectively take a complaint. But I challenge you to ask yourself, is this information really about preventing harassment? Preventing harassment means teaching human skills like communication, empathy, assertiveness, psychological safety, and awareness of biases and stereotypes. Those skills will help prevent harassment. So in the interest of helping you design a part two training to the one you're already offering, let's use a popular model in the training world. It's called ADDIE. A is for analysis, which is about determining learning…
