From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Harassment is an interpersonal problem first, compliance problem second

Harassment is an interpersonal problem first, compliance problem second

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment is an interpersonal problem first, compliance problem second

- In my early 20s, I worked for a law firm and one of the attorneys kept asking me out. It wasn't overt, it was comments like, "We should meet up at the dog park this weekend." I always tried to brush it off, but he wasn't getting the message. He wouldn't stop asking, and I was very uncomfortable, so he had some psychological power over me. He was also older and higher up in the organization, so he had organizational power too. To get my power back, I wrote him a letter, sealed it, and put it in his mailbox. The letter stated that if he asked me out again, I would tell his boss. When he received the letter, he came into my office and raised his voice at me telling me, "I could ruin his career with these wild accusations." He was standing over me, so I stood up, told him that I hadn't shared the letter with a soul and all I was asking was to be left alone. He stormed out of my office and thankfully that was the end of it. Unfortunately, statistics reveal that one in three women has…
