From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Detecting whether your organization is at risk for harassment

Detecting whether your organization is at risk for harassment

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Detecting whether your organization is at risk for harassment

- One of the services I provide in my business is executive coaching for high-risk leaders. Their behavior is high risk because it can turn into a harassment complaint, cause safety risks if people are distracted by the way they're treated, or increase workers' comp costs with stress claims. Yes, bad behavior can be treated like a safety risk where you assess the chances of the risk occurring and the cost to people and your organization. Prioritize what to solve based on that assessment and then tackle the issues, because allowing bad behavior to occur is creating risk. Let's do a risk assessment on your organization right now because there are many other organizational risk factors too, aside from obvious bad behaviors, that can actually facilitate harassment, bullying, and violence. First up, does your employer value results over behavior? I see bullying pop up a lot in organizations like this as they've made their position on what's important clear by not stepping in. Companies…
