From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Consequences of harassment for individuals and organizations

Consequences of harassment for individuals and organizations

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Consequences of harassment for individuals and organizations

- The damaging effects of workplace harassment and bullying ripple through the lives of individuals and throughout the organization. In fact, the damage is a domino effect on your community at large. First, consider how much work means to us. Of course we rely on our paychecks to pay our bills and live our lives, but we also connect parts of our identities to our work for better or worse. And the stress of going to work every day in an environment where we've been harassed is unimaginable. Yet, many people around the world do it every single day. Over time, the ongoing abuse can make the target feel alone and confused. No one is stepping in to help solve the problem and at home, no one seems to understand. Targets are therefore caught in a cycle of isolation and hopelessness, which can lead to serious depression, isolation, and even psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, sleepless nights, and even heart disease. Targets find themselves stuck in a never ending cycle…
