From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Bullying and harassment

Bullying and harassment

- Most people view harassment and bullying as different because harassment is illegal and bullying, unfortunately, is not. I'm going to ask you to be open-minded on this and consider a different perspective. But first, let's look at the definitions of each term. Harassment is defined by U.S. law as unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, such as race, nationality, sex, religion, disability, and more. Harassment is unlawful when the behaviors are a condition of continued employment or they are so severe or pervasive they create an environment that is intimidating, hostile, or abusive. One example is being asked for a date numerous times by a coworker. Once or twice is one thing, but if the advances won't stop after you've made it clear you're not interested, that becomes sexual harassment. Other examples are being made fun of because of your accent or having to field questions about your disability, nationality, or marital status, or being told you "act white" when…
