From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

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Building empathetic and respectful relationships

Building empathetic and respectful relationships

From the course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Building empathetic and respectful relationships

- I was at a networking event once and moseyed up to a group of people to introduce myself, and you know how sometimes you can't think of that one actor's name or that one movie? This group was trying to figure out who sang that one song by that one artist. I knew the answer, and when I shared it, the guy next to me kind of hit me and says, "Oh yeah, that's it." Immediately he turned to me and said, "I'm so sorry I touched you. You probably don't want some random guy touching you." I didn't expect that, and it was a really pleasant surprise, even though I didn't need it. What struck me is that he said, "You probably don't want." He was empathizing with me. Empathy is feeling with a person, sensing their emotions and imagining what they may be thinking or feeling. Most of us are born with empathy in our DNA. Humans are social creatures, and having empathy is a survival instinct. It allows us to connect and understand the emotions, feelings, suffering and behaviors of others, yet we can…
