From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Exposure Problems

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Using the RGB Parade

Using the RGB Parade

- One of my favorite scopes is the RGB parade. RGB stands for Red Green Blue, and that's the basic components of light. Remember, when red, green and blue light are evenly balanced, you have pure white light. This is the same way that a prism can split the light apart into its different components. Well let's explore. Go to the next shot in the sequence and press X to mark the shot. Over in the lumetri scope section click the settings icon and choose parade RGB. I'll also temporarily turn off the vector scope. In this case, you can see that there's an extremely strong presence of blue in the shot. I'm going to toggle the effect on and off for this clip and you'll see the uncorrected shot was even bluer. In this case, the blues and greens were slammed to the top of the RGB parade, indicating particularly with this big clump of information that the shot was overexposed. However, through some adjustments, I was able to pull things down a bit and bring back some of the details. However…
