From the course: Practical Python for Algorithmic Trading

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Course summary

Course summary

- [Instructor] We have learned many things during this course. Let me summarize the key concepts of this course in eight concise points. We know how to download Any Ticker from the stock market. For example, if we want a table where every row represents one day and the columns, the prices for a particular stock, we go to Yahoo Finance and identify the ticker for the company. In this case: Microsoft Corporation, the ticker, MSFT. We put it into the Python codes and we downloaded it with the library, Yahoo Finance, to finally get this data frame. The same mental model would apply for any ticker that you want to download in the stock market. Reprocessing data for the investment strategy. We need to apply some computations to the data frame if we want to create an investment strategy with machine learning. In this case, we want to calculate the percentage change for tomorrow for a given period of time. Therefore, the two…
