From the course: Practical Python for Algorithmic Trading

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Challenge: Backtest with other tickers

Challenge: Backtest with other tickers - Python Tutorial

From the course: Practical Python for Algorithmic Trading

Challenge: Backtest with other tickers

(bright upbeat music begins) - [Instructor] In this challenge, you will apply the concepts acquired so far by creating a backtest on another data set. And finally, reproducing the report of the backtest with the dashboard that you see to the right, which simulates the investment strategy. Before getting to it, I would like to tell you some tricks about how to develop this exercise without copy, pasting. The titles of the exercises contain the names of the functions that you need to use. For example, we import the Yahoo Finance. We get inside the library, and then within the dot, we start typing download, because it's the keyword of the title that I am asking. So we write download, and then look at the documentation, because it will tell you what you need to put inside the parenthesis. The first thing they ask is the tickers, which is the code for the stock. That, if we look for Netflix, we see that the code is here, the…
