From the course: Practical HTML for No-Coders
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Posting a video in HTML
From the course: Practical HTML for No-Coders
Posting a video in HTML
- [Instructor] Videos are all over the web today. And it's very common to host those videos at YouTube. Let's go through how we can put a YouTube video on our webpage. So the first thing that you're going to need to do is make a video. That is well beyond the scope of this course, but you'll find lots of courses in the library that will talk about how to make a video. Then you're going to need to put that video on YouTube, again, covered in other courses on the library. Once you've done all of that you will have a web address that is generated. And I've given you that address here. So here's that add that video here. If you copy that URL and paste it into a new tab you'll find that we have a nice commercial here for H+ Sport that we can include on our webpage. So to go about doing this we're going to start by clicking on the share button that's down here in YouTube, and we'll get some options for various kinds of sharing.…
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What is HTML and how is it structured?4m 35s
Understanding headings and paragraphs7m 45s
Understanding lists6m 44s
Understanding nesting lists4m 5s
Creating links that go to another website4m 50s
Creating links within a page7m 31s
Challenge: What's wrong with this markup?2m 23s
Solution: What's wrong with this markup?7m 10s
Linking to PDF files4m 51s
Understanding images4m 53s
Implementing images5m 6s
Creating figures and figure captions4m 24s
Quoting text3m 24s
Understanding tables5m 24s
Working with classes, div, and span6m 54s
Posting a video in HTML4m 13s
Challenge: Marking up text2m 20s
Solution: Marking up text2m 33s