From the course: Positive Psychology for Less Stress and Happier Workdays

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Observing and adjusting your habits to avoid drains on mood

Observing and adjusting your habits to avoid drains on mood

From the course: Positive Psychology for Less Stress and Happier Workdays

Observing and adjusting your habits to avoid drains on mood

- Because we spend so many hours per week on our jobs, it's very easy to develop habits that become automatic. Day after day, week after week, and year after year without our noticing. We may have innumerable, small behaviors that we engage in without thinking because we are on autopilot, and it's just become the status quo for the way we behave when at work. But when we choose to take the time and attention to observe our behaviors and understand how they may be affecting our mood at work, we can make changes that pay off immensely in how we feel, and we can create habits that automatically improve our mood rather than drain it. Commit to spending a day or two observing your workday moods and what was going on that might have triggered them. See if you can detect patterns or common themes. What times of day do you feel most productive? Under what circumstances? When do you notice yourself at your most impatient? And in what…
