From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
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Saving a selection as an alpha channel
From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
Saving a selection as an alpha channel
- As you've seen, the ability to work with a selection can really come in handy, particularly when we store it inside the document itself. Let me show you how to make your own alpha channel from scratch. Go ahead and open up these two images. Now, the first image is the actual logo. You'll see it's on its own layer here. Pretty straightforward. This is a logo from a website. Now, sometimes you might have a layer style here on the layer itself. What gets tricky is that those layer styles might not get recognized. Notice here, for example, the drop shadow. So when I click and load, it ignores the drop shadow, which is a bit tricky. So if you've got layer styles, you're going to want to right click and tell it to rasterize the layer styles. Now it applies it. If you're concerned about editability, you could do this to a copy of the layer temporarily, rather than permanently modifying the pixels. Let's undo, and I'll…
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