From the course: Photoshop Selections: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Controlling Content-Aware Fill output

Controlling Content-Aware Fill output

- When you're working with Content-Aware Fill, there are some advanced controls that you just saw that let you be more specific. But what I'd like to do is get a bit deeper. This is going to allow us to really show you how these tools work. So let's go a bit deeper again. Here we went deep, underwater, and I want to show you how the Content-Aware Fill can help heal this scar mark here on this piece of brain coral. What I want to do is kind of blend this in here so this distracting part where the coral grew around the rock is filled in. So to start, let's press Q to go to quick mask and get a bigger brush. Shift left or right bracket can adjust the hardness of the brush as well. And I'm just going to brush in the area here that I want to blend. There we go. This just defined the target. Now, I'll press Q to exit, and we've got our selection. From the edit menu, we'll choose Content-Aware Fill. Now, the key here is…
