From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Using Generator

Using Generator

- [Instructor] You can easily generate image assets from your website design comps. Here, we'll be looking at the Generate feature in Photoshop, which allows you to quickly and easily create properly sized and optimized graphics. With Adobe Generator, Photoshop automatically creates separate, perfectly cropped, optimized, and transparent graphics from your layered PSD files. This built-in intelligence lets you work with your design composition as you normally would, while Generator creates image assets in the background. All you need to do is add an extension to a layer name, and Generator's going to automatically save that layer in that particular format. If you change that layer, for example, you alter the color, you add an image adjustment, then Photoshop is going to instantly update the saved file. Layer names are the key. In the file that I'm working with, I have several layer sets, and each one contains a different version of my banner. I'm going to go to banner four, and I'm…
