From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Style guides

Style guides

- [Instructor] One of the ways to ensure that your team is on the same page when designing separate parts of the website, or handing designs off to developers, is to create design documentation or a website style guide. It is beneficial to have a style guide in order to create a cohesive experience among different pages. Also, it helps to ensure that future development or third party production will follow brand guidelines. The style guide is going to define all of the little ins and outs of your design. Here are some elements that I've included inside of my style guide. Your style guide may differ depending on your project. And of course this is all customizable so think about the things that you want to be consistent in your design and make that part of your style guide. I like to start off with having some sort of logo treatment so in my case, sometimes my logo appears in a white background, sometimes it appears on a colored background. And you can see that this is how I want it…
