From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Smart objects: Linked

Smart objects: Linked

- [Instructor] The second type of smart object is the linked smart object. In many ways this acts as the embedded smart object does. I'm going to go ahead and select my version three linked art board and I'll use the File, Place Linked. I'm going to navigate to the same picture of the woman that we were using in the previous exercise and I'll go ahead and click Place. It's going to place the image in. It comes in as one image but it's linked to that reference file which includes all of the layers and everything that we've done inside that file. I'll hit return to accept placement and I'm going to drag this file underneath the other existing files. You can see in the layer panel, we have the linked icon. This is our visual clue that this is a linked smart object. It works very similarly to our embedded objects in that we have the ability to apply filters. They'll be applied in a non-destructive way so we can turn them on or off or manipulate them if necessary. We can also perform any…
