From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Preset templates

Preset templates

- [Narrator] You can maximize the power of Photoshop by creating templates or by using the preset Photoshop templates. Photoshop comes with quite a few templates that you can easily use and then customize or you can create your own templates. If you find yourself using the same settings and layouts over and over, that's probably a candidate for a template. Let's look at the preset templates first. When you create a new file in Photoshop, you're going to be taken to the New Document Dialogue Box and you can choose the type of file that you're working in. We're going to choose Web, and it's going to have these preset document types. We've already looked at these. These are simply documents that have a specific width and heighth setting already set up. If you scroll down, you're going to see that Photoshop also comes with a lot of template files. So there's all sorts of templates here and you can browse through and check them out. Some of them are free and then there are some paid ones…
