From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Mood boards

Mood boards

- [Instructor] Being a graphic designer requires a certain level of telepathy to fully understand a client's vision before starting a project. Using mood boards is the next best way to visually communicate ideas between parties and ensure everyone is on the same page before getting too deep into a design. Let's face it, at the beginning of a project, the spectrum of web design possibilities is so wide that you have no choice but to start to narrow your focus. Often, each person's vision of modern or clean may differ widely. It's often most practical and efficient to narrow the focus by translating those obscure terms into visuals that all parties can come to agreement to. A great way to achieve this is by using mood boards. While the shape of a mood board varies greatly, the goal is fairly common. You want to confirm that everyone is on the same page by hanging on to what has promise and chucking what doesn't. It is important to note that these are not designs. Make sure that your…
