From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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- [Instructor] The libraries panel in Photoshop is a powerful way to store different design elements in an easily accessible panel. These elements can be quickly applied across multiple documents, shared with others, or just stored to use later on. The library elements are stored in the Cloud, so you can access them from any computer. Libraries let you collect a system of elements in one place in order to assemble layouts more quickly. Just like responsive design works. When you want to apply that logo to additional documents, you drag and drop the layer icon from the library panel into an open document. Let me show you how this works. Currently I have a blank file. And here's my libraries panel. It's currently showing my library, and I don't have anything in it. I can import files into Photoshop and make them part of my library. I can also search in Adobe stock, right from the library panel. I'm going to grab my library panel and just drat it out temporarily and put it up here so we…
