From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Layer comps

Layer comps

- [Instructor] Designers often create multiple compositions of a page layout to show clients. Or perhaps you just aren't sure which direction you want to take your design. Or maybe you have multiple states of foreign element. Using layer comps, you can create, manage, and view multiple versions of a layout in a single Photoshop file. Layer comps act like a shortcut to different states of your design. So if a particular state involves a dozen different nested layers, you can display it with a single click instead of hunting around to toggle visibility or shuffle positions. They are a really useful tool in regards to web design. In this file right here, you can see that I have one artboard, and I have a series of layer sets that contain all of the various items that are part of that layer set. I'm going to go ahead and tear out my Layer Comp panel. I've already created a layer comp, and so I'll just show you what this looks like. And then I'll show you how you can go about creating…
