From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Image types for the web

Image types for the web - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

Image types for the web

- [Narrator] As a web designer, it's important to know the difference between the various image formats and how to use them. For the web, we have four main file formats, JPG, GIF or GIF depending on how you like to pronounce it, PNG, and SVG. Let's look at each time and discuss which ones are better for various images. You use JPG images for photographs and other imagery that has millions of colors. JPG uses a complex compression algorithm that allows you to create a smaller graphic by losing some of the quality in the image. This compression algorithm is called lossy because some of the information is lost when the image is compressed. JPG images are best used for photographs and images that have lots and lots of natural colors. The JPG format is not suited to images with large blocks of solid color, text, and simple shapes with crisp edges. This is because when the image is compressed, the text, color, or lines may blur, resulting in an image that is not as sharp as it would be had…
