From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Design tips and tricks

Design tips and tricks

- [Instructor] As we're getting started with the web design process, I do want to mention a couple of miscellaneous tips that will help to streamline your workflow. Here I have a new blank document. When I'm designing for the web, I like to work with guides and grids. They make it so much easier for me to ensure that all of my elements are aligned properly. In this version of Photoshop, we have a really easy way to create guides and grids that are great for web use. If you go to the View menu and you choose New Guide Layout, it's going to open up your New Guide Layout dialog box. You can go ahead and set the number of columns that you want, so I usually like to work on larger screens with a 12- or 16-column layout and on smaller screens with perhaps a six-column layout. So if I choose 12 columns, I can specify the widths of the column, or if I leave that blank, Photoshop will automatically interpolate the size of the widths for me. I can also choose the gutter. The gutter is the…
