From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Custom templates

Custom templates

- [Instructor] Photoshop comes with some helpful templates, but if you're a designer, you'll probably find yourself wanting to use your own template files. Sadly, there's not a way to currently save your own PSDT file and have them available within the template window of the Photoshop start screen. But I'll show you my work around to create custom templates for use as starter projects. What I've done here is created a file that contains a mixture of art boards, grids, guides, smart objects, and editable text to develop more of a wire frame layout. This layout is a common starting point that I use when I'm creating a website comp. I've included a small, medium, and large art board, and you can see that they're available in my layer panel right here. I began to lay out the elements that I would commonly need in a website. Let's zoom in so that we can see this a little bit better. As you can see, I have placeholders for my…
