From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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Color modes and settings

Color modes and settings - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

Color modes and settings

- [Instructor] The goal of color management is to keep colors consistent across an array of displays. This is a good thing in theory, but, unless you pay close attention to your color settings when you generate web graphics, the browsers can take over and use their own values. This might not seem overly important at first, but when an official corporate blue suddenly turns to purple hue, chances are you're going to hear complaints. The solution to this color management situation is to use a standard and widely adopted color space. In this case, we'll be using sRGB. Which was created to solve color matching issues. The s stands for standard, and in addition to computer displays, it's now used for HD TVs and more recently, mobile devices. It's been adopted by the W3C, and all major browsers are supporting it. The first step is to make sure that your overarching color settings are set up for sRGB, and are not using some monitor specific or legacy profile. When you create a new document…
