From the course: Photoshop for Web Design

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- Artboards are a really helpful feature of Photoshop CC. They enable you to create multiple iterations of a design within a single document. If you're creating a responsive design, you're going to want to have multiple versions of the design. And it's very convenient to set up your design using multiple screens all within the same document. Artboards are the perfect solution for doing this sort of work. Let me show you how we can go about using artboards. I'm going to create a new document, and I'm going to go to my Web category. There's some presets that are already included within Photoshop. I'll click the View All Presets button to expand this area. You don't have to use these, but these are kind of a quick starting point. We're going to go ahead and use the 1024 by 768 size. When I choose any of the presets, the values are going to plugged into the width and the heighth over here on the right. You're going to want to make sure that the artboard checkbox is checked if you want to…
