From the course: Photoshop for Designers: Color

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- [Narrator] Here we're looking at the CMYK version of the image that we saw in the previous movie. This has four channels, as opposed to the three for RGB. Consequently, it's final size is bigger, 10.7 megabytes versus eight megabytes for the equivalent RGB image. Not all of Photoshop filters will be available to you, and you'll see that several of them are dimmed, nor will all of the adjustment layers. Black and White, Vibrance, Exposure, not available in CMYK mode. CMYK images are measured not on a scale of 256 levels, but with ink percentages on a scale of zero to 100. If I add an adjustment curve, when I move the curve up, I'm adding ink. Let me just tear this off so that we can see the info panel as well. I'm adding ink, the image is getting darker and the after numbers on the info panel are higher. Move the curve down, I'm removing ink, the image gets lighter and the numbers are lower.
