From the course: Performance Management: Setting Goals and Managing Performance

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Ensuring accountability

Ensuring accountability

- Accountability has to be one of the most important topics in the world of leadership. It's also true that many professionals struggle with this topic. Holding people accountable, making them responsible for completing their work, is an easy idea that's sometimes difficult in practice. So let's see how to do it effectively, but let's begin with a classic mistake. Accountability is not something you care about during performance reviews. In a high performing team, accountability is a normal ongoing conversation. Parts of this conversation are pretty straightforward. For example, understanding feedback is of paramount importance. For a deeper dive check out my course, Delivering Employee Feedback, where I explain why feedback matters and how to deliver it effectively. Of course at the same time, there's a process of staying connected with your employee's work. This means you'll be engaging in a lot of casual observation, both of their behaviors and their work products, and what most…
