From the course: Performance Management: Setting Goals and Managing Performance

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Being supportive

Being supportive

- You know what's interesting? We spend so much time talking about how to set goals, but when you think about it, that's a very small portion of your time. Most of the time, people are doing their work in support of achieving goals. So let's think about what you do when goal setting is done and it's time to be supportive. For me, the word supportive means at least two things. The first is the classic notion of being a cheerleader. You do want to be vocal about how much you appreciate their effort, and how much you believe in them. Both to their face, and electronically. Sure, everyone has a different need for this type of reinforcement. So over time, you'll learn your team and adjust as needed. Even though being supportive is typically thought of as being kind comments and positive reinforcement, there's actually another part of being supportive that's even more important. This part is all about removing barriers to performance. Even skilled and motivated employees face challenges…
